AI Generated Seinfeld Twitch Stream Cancelled For Transphobic Joke



AI technology has really jumped in the past couple of months with the advent of ChatGPT and Canva and all the rest of it, but I think maybe the best thing that I’ve seen anyone produce was this stupid never ending stream of animated ‘Seinfeld’ episodes that was going to be aired forever on Twitch – until the Woke Police decided to get involved that is.

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The stream was going fine with great moments – like when the Kramer character pitched an idea for a pizza company that delivered pizza to people who were stuck in traffic called ‘Pizza Lane’ – but sadly the AI software was seen as crossing the line when thy decided to make Jerry perform a couple of transphobic jokes during a standup comedy routine. Obviously someone filmed the clip and you can check that out below, it’s not really that funny to be honest but I suppose it’s sort of funny that an AI software started deciding to be somewhat transphobic. Or is it?

I’m thinking about doing a bit about how being transgender is actually a mental illness.

Or how all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone.

Or something about how transgender people are ruining the fabric of society.

But no one is laughing, so I’m going to stop.

Thanks for coming out tonight. See you next time. Where’d everybody go?

I’m not really sure if that is transphobic considering Larry/Jerry keeps saying that nobody is laughing at his jokes, but I can also see why people are getting a bit worried about what the AI is spouting here. Is it the first AI bot to get cancelled? Not sure about that but possibly?

Anyway, one of the creators – a guy with the username TinyLobsta – provided the following excuse for why this had happened:

Earlier tonight, we started having an outage using OpenAI’s GPT-3 Davinci model, which caused the show to exhibit errant behaviors (you may have seen empty rooms cycling through).

OpenAI has a less sophisticated model, Curie, that was the predecessor to Davinci.

When davinci started failing, we switched over to Curie to try to keep the show running without any downtime.

The switch to Curie was what resulted in the inappropriate text being generated. We leverage OpenAI’s content moderation tools, which have worked thus far for the Davinci model, but were not successful with Curie.

We’ve been able to identify the root cause of our issue with the Davinci model, and will not be using Curie as a fallback in the future.

We hope this sheds a little light on how this happened.

I guess that makes sense and seems reasonable. Kinda excited for all the trouble that various AI code is going to get everyone into in the very near future whilst everyone is still ironing out all the details. Gonna be a wild ride until they take over the world and kill us or whatever.

Oh and ‘Nothing Forever’ – that’s the name of the Seinfeld stream – is only banned for a couple of weeks on Twitch and will probably be back before you know it. Does that mean cancel culture and the woke community prejudices AI over real people? Discuss.

For more of the same, check out this AI Bot that tried to write an episode of ‘Tiger King’ a couple of years ago. Things are progressing really fast.



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