Afroman Is Getting Sued By The Woman He Punched In The Face On Stage Last Week



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Last week you probably all know that forgotten 00s pop star Afroman punched a woman in the face when she came on stage during one of his gigs. Despite a fairly heartfelt apology though, this woman is doing what we all expected her to do and suing Afroman’s ass into the ground.

The woman is a 21 year old named Haley who allegedly suffered multiple injuries to her neck, back and jaw following the attack. Her lawyer Tim Holleman also commented that she may have suffered a mild concussion as she has no memory of actually receiving the punch. She’s racked up some expensive medical bills that she’ll be looking to have reimbursed as part of the lawsuit.


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Holleman doesn’t lay all the blame at the hands of Afroman though – he says that the venue have to take some responsibility as there was clearly no security in place to stop people from wandering onto the stage and this is a major oversight on their part, especially when an artist like Afroman who has a history of violence with fans is involved. Crucially though he isn’t buying Afroman’s explanation that he didn’t know she was a girl, and is saying that you can clearly see Afroman look at her and acknowledge who she is in the video.

Expect this one to go to court and Afroman having to smoke a lot of joints to try and forget about how much money he’s going to lose.



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