Adam Lambert Says Straight Actors Can Play Gay Characters But Not ‘Gay Icons’



Adam Lambert was in the news last week when he slammed rumours that Theo James was set to play gay icon George Michael in an upcoming biopic of the pop singer, but now he’s actually clarified comments and insisted that it’s fine for straight actors to play gay characters but not the aforementioned gay icons.

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Paradoxically, Lambert was appearing at the Sundance Festival to promote the movie ‘Fairyland’ which features straight actor Scoot McNairy playing a gay father in San Francisco in the 1970s when he was asked to explain his comments about Theo James and George Michael by Variety. Here’s what he had to say:

My actual comment – my little sarcastic comment on it – was [about] a straight actor playing a gay icon, which I think is a bit different.

I by no means think gay characters should only be played by gay actors. I think that would be ridiculous.

Case in point: Scott’s brilliant performance in this film, which is incredibly moving and soulful. I don’t imagine anyone else playing this part.

I just think, as a queer person, so many doors have been closed to us for so long, it’s a big step forward that these stories are at least now being told, but I hope that in the future you would also see an out actor be able to tackle a leading role.

You haven’t really seen that very often.’

To the naysayers who are like, “oh, it’s acting, what about the other way around, are you saying that gay actors should only play gay actors?”

You look at Kristen Stewart playing Diana, and that was a brilliant performance as well [but] we don’t have that many examples of queer people playing non-queer icons.

I just want some equal opportunity that’s all.

Yeah I’m not sure if a straight actor playing a gay icon is that different from just playing a regular gay character, but I did say originally that it’s probably more a question of the LGBTQ+ community receiving more opportunities in the movie industry rather than simply saying that gay actors should only be allowed to play gay characters. There’s also the question of how exactly you define a ‘gay icon’ as well because even though George Michael undoubtedly is one of these, there might be some debate over the criteria of others.

Think these comment have probably just opened another bag of worms for Lambert to be honest, but I doubt he’ll care. Just seems like that kind of guy.

For more of the same, check out this former gay porn star who became a politician to protest against porn and gay rights. Quite the turnaround.



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