7 Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Tell Your Doctor



When you have any sort of health issue that crops up, you may find yourself feeling too embarrassed to talk about it. While it’s usually okay to not talk to your friends and family about these types of issues, you shouldn’t keep them from your doctor. In fact, they have probably treated many patients with your exact same condition before. Here are some embarrassing problems that you may have but don’t want to tell your doctor about.

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You Put On Some Weight

Quite a few people develop unhealthy eating habits and don’t realize that they are a problem until they start packing on the pounds. Having too much extra weight on your body doesn’t just affect the way that you look. It can lead to things like a stroke or heart attack. This is why you need to talk to your doctor if you are concerned with how much weight you have put on.

You Think You Have A Sexually Transmitted Disease

Having a sexually transmitted disease can cause all sorts of problems. These problems can include bumps, rashes, or a smelly discharge in the genital area. Fortunately, many sexually transmitted diseases can be gotten rid of with the right treatment. This is why you need to see a doctor if you suspect that you have one. Not only can the treatment help you get rid of it or manage your symptoms, but it can also keep you from spreading it as well.

You Sweat Too Much

Sweat is how we keep our body cool, but it can become particularly embarrassing if you find that you are sweating too much. You shouldn’t be sweating through your shirts or having to take multiple showers a day because you sweat a lot during sedentary activities. Excessive sweating can be caused by hyperhidrosis, and there are treatments available to help you.

You Feel Depressed Most Of The Time

We all get sad on occasion, but these feelings of sadness shouldn’t be taking over your life. If you are feeling down all of the time and as if you have no hope for the future, then it’s time to talk to your doctor. They may be able to prescribe you medication or refer you to a therapist. Depression usually doesn’t get better on its own, and it can get worse. If you don’t seek treatment for it, you may find that it becomes impossible to perform daily tasks and that you start to avoid interacting with others.

You Have Difficulty Getting Or Keeping An Erection

Sex is an important part of any romantic relationship. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to perform if you have difficulty getting or keeping an erection which is normally referred to as erectile dysfunction. While many men do notice that their libido starts to decrease as they age, they can still have a healthy sex life. Impotence might be embarrassing to talk about, but your doctor may be able to prescribe you certain medication or try a variety of different treatments that will help you get and maintain an erection when you are being intimate with someone.

You Placed Something In A Bodily Orifice And Now It’s Stuck

While this may seem like a very embarrassing problem, you probably won’t be able to get the object out without seeking medical intervention. This type of problem is so common that most emergency room doctors will know exactly what they need to do in order to remove the object.

You Don’t Like To Smile Because Of How Your Teeth Look

A lot of people don’t realize that their teeth are a crucial part of their overall health. If you don’t take care of them properly, you can develop cavities, infections, and gum disease. Despite brushing and flossing daily, you may have developed some issues and find that you don’t smile that much because you are ashamed of how your teeth look. Fortunately, a dentist can fix these issues for you. Even minor cosmetic procedures can make a big impact on how your teeth look.

Talking about certain health issues can be rather embarrassing. What you do need to keep in mind though is that they probably won’t go away on their own. This is why you need to speak to your doctor about them so that they can come up with a treatment plan. Your doctor probably treats patients on a regular basis for these types of problems, so you shouldn’t feel embarrassed to talk to them about the health issues that you are having.


So, if you’re feeling embarrassed or ashamed about any health condition, know that you’re definitely not alone. Your doctor has probably seen and treated many patients with the same issue before. It’s important to be open and honest with your doctor so they can provide you with the best possible care. If you have a health condition that you’re hesitant to tell your doctor about, make an appointment today and get it off your chest!




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