This 17 Year Old Kid Is Still In High School And Earns $200K A Year From His Hedge Fund Business



Yesterday we broke the story about the 19 year old who was set to become a millionaire with the simplest internet business ever, and today we can bring you details of another kid who’s way ahead of the curve and making $200K a year from his own hedge fund at the age of 17.

Jacob Wohl founded the Wohl Capital Investment Group because he saw a gap in the market for middle class investors that hedge funds wouldn’t touch with a barge pole as they weren’t willing and able to meet their minimum investment requirements. Taking these investors on as clients, Jacob was somehow able to – thanks to ‘a guerrilla warfare mentality’ towards investing – outperform the institutional giants and make himself and his clients – which are mostly his family and friends – a hell of a lot of money. It probably won’t be long until he’s opening up his own offices on Wall Street for real. Watch out.

Of course, it could all come crashing down and he could end up losing his entire community a hell of a lot of money, but it seems like he knows what he’s doing in this video. Still, does anyone really KNOW what they’re doing when it comes to investing?



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