The problem with having a brain in default lawbreaking mode is that sometimes the tiniest infractions can land you in massive amounts of trouble, as this man from Sefton Park, Liverpool, found out.
Daniel Dunne, 28, was driving a Nissan Quashqai without a seatbelt when police pulled him over in June last year.
As he got out the car, a small wrap of cocaine fell from the driver’s seat, right in the police officer’s view. The police then searched the car and found £600 in cash.
After that, the police thought they may as well check Daniel’s address, and sure enough, they found a stash of £1,066,382 in cash hidden in boxes of Cadbury’s Heroes, as well as a kilo of cocaine, weighing scales, and a machine used to count cash.
Well, you can’t get more busted than that really, and Daniel has now been sentenced to 7 tears in prison at Liverpool Crown Court, after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply a controlled Class A drug and acquiring/using/possessing criminal property.
Detective Chief Inspector Mike Dalton from Merseyside Police said:
“What began as a relatively simple road stop because a driver was not wearing a seatbelt turned into a large-scale investigation into drugs supply.
“This led to the seizure of more than £1million in cash, despite the efforts of Dunne to initially distance himself from the money.”
Unreal. if I was a coke dealer handling millions of quid, I would be driving a perfectly maintained, inconspicuous car, which is taxed, insured and MOT’d, my hands always at ten and 2, following the speed limit, signaling every maneuver, and wearing my seatbelt every time. The last thing you want to do when you’re breaking the law, is to break the law! One crime at a time!
Unfortunately for Daniel Dunne, he got complacent and neglected to put his seatbelt on, which led to his car being pulled over and everything going downhill from there. He may have even got away with it, if that wrap of cocaine hadn’t fallen out of his pocket as he stepped out of the vehicle. Which would never have happened if he wasn’t too dumb to obey basic laws like wearing a seatbelt, in the first place.
You live and you learn…
For the mum who was so high on cocaine that strangers had to finish the school run for her, click HERE.