There’s a new app on the app market, and it’s called iHobo. iHobo is a Tamagotchi for your iPhone that features a homeless dude who will die if you don’t look after him. Looking after your hobo on iHobo means doing stuff like giving him spare change and giving him some food (usually a supermarket sandwich). If you leave your hobo for a while he starts to feel lonely and ashamed (seriously, we’re not making this shit up) and even asks you to leave your phone on when you go to sleep just in case your hobo needs you in the middle of the night. Now the idea behind the app is to raise awareness of homeless people, which is fair enough, but iHobo has just made me think that hobos are mega needy and pretty annoying. Plus there’s no option to take your hobo to your local newsagent to change up a load of silvers for a twenty note then go visit your dealer for a few hits of smack, maybe in the next update they’ll sort that one out.
Our rating and verdict for iHobo – 1/5. Go and download finger flick football or zombie highway as they’re both way better to play when you’re high.
Here’s some screenshots from iHobo: