‘I Was Diagnosed With PTSD Over Brexit’, Lib Dem Councillor Says



Usually we associate PTSD with active combat in warzones, seeing someone get splatted by a bus, or getting the sh*t beaten out of you by an abusive partner. But have you ever considered the trauma that comes with having your feelings hurt over Brexit?

Councillor Antonia Harrison, who represents the Liberal Democrats in Havant, near Portsmouth, says “something died in me… I just gave up” after Britain left the European Union in 2020.

Speaking at the party’s autumn conference in Brighton, Ms Harrison told The Independent:

Antonia Harrison said she is European before she is English

“I have not been in Sudan fighting in a war, but it has had a profound impact on me. I am European to my core, and my identity has been ripped out. I am European before I am English.”

Harrison, herself a mental health therapist, says she was diagnosed with PTSD over Brexit:

“I actually have in my medical history, a diagnosis of PTSD over Brexit. It is just on my record, at some point, they just put it on my record.

“It has had so many effects on my physical body, and things that have come out since. I have lost my voice many times and they put that down to trauma.”

Ms Harrison said she will not be able to retire in Marbella because of Brexit

The idea that her daughter is growing up in Brexit Britain absolutely devastated her:

“The day after the election, I told my daughter ‘this is the worst day of your life.

“She has a masters in international law, she should be in Brussels like I was at her age, and instead she is stuck here.”

Asked how Brexit has impacted her personally, Harrison said:

“We have a property in Marbella, I planned to retire there, I can’t. We still have the property, but we cannot get health coverage because of pre-existing conditions.”

She went on to describe how travelling through Malaga airport “gets me”, adding that the UK flag is now alongside the Moroccan flag in the sign for the non-EU passport queue. Oh, the humanity!

“Every time, I start saying something… and we get back to the UK and it’s EU over there, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, all these far away places I have no intention of ever visiting,”

The Lib Dem councillor said it is for the British people to realise that Brexit was a mistake

The Lib Dems’ long-term objective is to campaign for Britain to rejoin the EU, which probably is never going to happen, but they do at least want to implement a free movement policy that would allow 18 to 35-year-olds to live and work across across Europe for up to three years.

In fairness to Harrison, the majority of the British public agree that Brexit has made almost everything worse, from the economy to immigration, cost of living, NHS, wages, exports and all the rest. As far as giving them literal PTSD though? I know trauma is different for everybody, but come on! What next? PTSD because Tesco only had skimmed milk instead of semi-skimmed?

Ts and Ps with Councillor Harrison in these trying times.

For the Mortal Kombat developer who was diagnosed with PTSD after working on gory fatalities for the video game, click HERE.



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