Very Honest Drug Dealer Tells Cops ‘There’s A Lot Of Coke’ In His Boot



You would think a drug dealer carrying £1.9m worth of cocaine in his boot would be smart enough to not drive an uninsured car, but that’s exactly what led Essex Police to pull over 40-year-old Kieran Grant along the M11, resulting in this extremely honest admission from the Southend man:

Well, I suppose they were going to find it anyway and it’s always noted when a criminal is honest and compliant upon arrest. A search of the vehicle’s boot revealed 19 wrapped blocks of cocaine totalling 19kg, which had been placed into two bags for life:

The drugs had a wholesale value of £665,000 and a street value of about £1.9 million! Again – what the hell is this plonker doing driving around in an uninsured Skoda Fabia? Whether he realised the car was uninsured or not – it’s just such a colossal fxck-up when you’re carrying that amount of drugs on you.

Well anyway, said drugs will be going to waste as Essex Police have confirmed they’ll be destroying the lot. Guess we’ll just have to take their word for it on that one. Just like we’ll have to take the word of the police station that claims rats ate 200kg of cannabis that mysteriously disappeared from the evidence room. Hmm…



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