There probably didn’t even need to be a Star Wars movie out this Christmas for some idiot to decide that it would be funny to cut up Chewbacca groaning and moaning his way through Silent Night, but thankfully though the timing was right and this video will probably help to promote Rogue One even more. Not that it really needs it as it’s probably smashed box office records just like The Force Awakens did last year, but that’s besides the point.
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Anyway, you can check out Chewbacca singing one of the most famous Christmas carols below, and yeah, it is about as dumb as you would imagine:
Yeah, absolutely stupid eh? I suppose that’s why we love Chewbacca though isn’t it? Merry Christmas.
For more Chewbacca, check him out breaking up a fight between Batgirl and Mr Incredible. Only in Hollywood.