Headteacher, 48, Pretends To Pass Out In Hilarious Arrest Video After Harassing 23-Year-Old Trainee Teacher



A (now former) Norfolk headteacher is going viral for having a complete meltdown while being arrested outside his school for harassing a junior colleague who had turned down his advances.

Gregory Hill, 48, of Valley Way, Fakenham, acts like he’s being violently beaten to death even though the police are being as polite and gentle as possible. At one point, he pretends to pass out and basically acts like he thinks he’s the British George Floyd:

Too funny. Imagine getting detention off this guy? There’s just no way this man will ever be taken seriously as a teacher (or indeed headtacher) ever again, so it’s just as well that he’ll never see another classroom in his lifetime. Although it does seem a bit harsh that this all had to play out on school premises as pupils and parents looked on – how embarrassing!

According to MailOnline, Hill sought a romantic relationship with trainee Chloe Regester and bombarded her with messages, leaving her ‘scared’ as she spurned his advances for 12 months. He claimed he had “fallen in love” with the victim, insisted she join him on a school trip instead of colleagues, and blamed a “slip of the finger” for a WhatsApp call he made to her just before midnight.

He later made insulting comments about her sexuality after learning she was gay, including remarks about her partner and her clothing, describing her footwear as ‘lesbian shoes’.

Hill was found guilty of one count of harassment and another count of resisting arrest. He is due to be sentenced on 2 September.

For the moment a Salford teacher asks ‘are you serious?’ before being jailed for sex with two pupils, click HERE.



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