I’m fairly certain that almost everyone in the world has seen the video of the fat guy jumping off the roof of a waterslide then getting some serious hang time before slamming into the pool when it went seriously viral over the weekend, but what you definitely haven’t seen is the aftermath for the poor guy.
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The daredevil is known only as La Mascotte on social media and performed the outrageous stunt over the weekend during a competition at Frenzy Palace over in France. Anyone who’s seen the video (which we’ll include below) will verify how it first looks really painful when he lands on the slide and then the damage factor increases even further when he hits the water with a major bang.
The whole situation gets even worse when you actually see the aftermath, although La Mascotte doesn’t seem that bothered about it and described it as ‘just a few bruises’. Take a look and see what you think:
Geez, guy looks like he was in a car crash and is about to have his leg amputated or something doesn’t he? Absolute carnage.
Since the video has gone crazy online, Frenzy Palace have revealed that La Mascotte was a professional stuntman/athlete/competitor and that regular people aren’t allowed to jump off the roof of the waterslide. Thank God if they end up like that right.
Turns out that they have a big air competition every year at the park and you have to sign a waiver to compete, so La Mascotte knew the dangers before taking part in the crazy run. Hope he’s OK and recovers soon – not that he seems too bothered.
For more of the same, check out this ridiculous footage from the World Belly Flop Championship. Ouch.