Guy In Prague Harasses Pregnant Woman, Immediately Ends Up Wishing He Hadn’t



It’s never nice to watch someone receive a beatdown in public, but if it has to happen, it may as well happen to a person harassing and physically assaulting a pregnant woman at a tram station in Prague.

Here’s how that turned out for him:

Loving that flying headlock technique by our hero in the dark shades. What I can’t wrap my head around is that even after being kicked around and whimpering on the floor like a child, this punk was still trying to give it large once the hero walked away. Does that suggest he didn’t learn his lesson and will be back out on the streets harassing pregnant women tomorrow? Well, maybe he’ll need to be taught the same lesson a few more time before he gets it.

What’s really sad is that the pregnant woman began filming the attacker because clearly he had been harassing her for a while; long enough you’d think for the rest of the people in the vicinity to come to her rescue or support her in some way. Thankfully that man ran across the road to deal with him in the end, but it really should have been stopped much earlier than that, and definitely before he had the chance to get physical with her.

For the dude who forced 2 carjackers to fight each other after he caught them trying to steal his car, click HERE. Mental.



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