Gamer Hospitalised After Downing Twelve Energy Drinks In Ten Minutes – His Pancreas ‘Ate Itself’



I think it’s fairly well documented that unless you’re Jamie Vardy, then drinking a whole load of energy drinks in a short space of time is going to completely screw you up big time and now, once again it’s been illustrated by some idiot gamer.

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If you’re a pro gamer then it’s obviously important to keep energy levels high, but I don’t think that means downing twelve energy drinks in ten minutes – that’s just borderline insane behaviour. It’s no real surprise therefore that 36 year old JS – a life long gamer with no real friends – almost died after he decided to do just that to impress his colleagues after a dare.

Dr Bernard Hsu tells us what happened next:

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Immediately after chugging all 12 energy drinks, JS didn’t feel well so to take his mind off everything, he started playing games.

He then started to experience heart flutters but wrote these off as caffeine-induced.

He then started to develop back pain, so had a shot of alcohol but that made him throw up in the kitchen sink and start to feel even worse.

JS waited at least another day before seeing the doctor but after being unable to eat or drink, he admitted himself to A&E  where he threw up on a nurse’s shoes.

Doctors discovered that JS had acute pancreatitis after it had begun digesting itself due to the high levels of caffeine, sugar and chemicals from the energy drinks.

Thankfully he was able to make a full recovery after a course of antibiotics and treatment.

Most people know energy drinks can be dangerous when consumed in huge excess. If you have one once in a while, and you’re young and healthy, it’s probably not a big deal. But if you start chugging multiple cans back to back, then bad things are probably going to happen.

Yeah I would like to think that most people would know that this was obvious by now, but apparently not. If you were on the fence about doing something like this, then hopefully this serves as a wake up call for you. Maybe just cut out the energy drinks altogether?

For more of the same, check out this maniac chugging two litres of Jack Daniel’s in two minutes. Also highly unadvisable.



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