Florida Joker Reacts To GTA 6 Trailer Parodying Him: ‘GTA, We Gotta Talk’



The GTA 6 trailer did a great job parodying some of the crazy viral videos and real-life characters we’ve seen out of Florida over the last decade, one of whom was the infamous Miami Joker, who has a load of dumb tattoos and has been arrested multiple times for pointing guns at strangers and passing cars.

Well, apparently he’s not happy about being featured in the GTA 6 trailer, and it actually sounds like he thinks he may be owed some royalties:

Lol – what’s he going to do? Claim copyright infringement? He’s literally based his entire look on one of the most popular fictional characters of all time. Plus, when you look at them side-by-side, the GTA joker could be any full-on face tattooed bozo from Florida:

Not to mention, if Lindsay Lohan and her lawyers can take Rockstar to court and lose after claiming they stole her likeness for the GTA V loading screen girl, what chance does this numpty have?

The guy probably reckons he’s about to strike it rich, but the most he can hope for is a few more social media followers as he milks this for all its worth.

Although, to be fair, he does have more of a case than Lindsay Lohan did, in that the character in the trailer is blatantly based on him, being from Florida and all. If that’s the case though, Rockstar will have a ton more lawsuits on their hands when the game drops because the wacky residents of Florida basically wrote the script for them.



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