There we go, Christmas is done for another year. Many people may well be whooping with joy that the jolly red dipstick is back in the frozen north and they are once again free to roam the shops without gangs of marauding idiots playing British Bulldogs in the supermarket aisles. Some, however, may be dissapointed that the nutty season has concluded and they are forced to resume their banal, meaningless life again. Worry ye not: Easter will soon be upon us.
Whichever category you fall in to I have found a video to suit your needs. In my sack for you today is a short clip of an Easter play, it’s the crescendo: Jesus is being professionaly hoisted up to the heavens whilst the amazed onlookers bow down before him in reverent wonder. It should have looked like the image at the top. The only problem is the wardrobe department it seems has forgotten to put a back piece on Jesus’ outfit, so as the wind catches him and he gently rotates as he rises his dainty under crackers are shown to one and all, from the front to the back of the congregation.
I’m not sure what my favourite bit of this clip is, whether it’s the worshippers below bowing down and giving praise to his nether regions, or Jesus’ futile attempt to cover his bum-bum with his inadequately small hands. I’ve watched this video three times already today. I suggest you do the same.
☛ More: Retro Jesus Destroys The World – Except Jehovah’s Witnesses
☛ More: Where Is The Foreskin Of Jesus?
☛ More: Hip Hop Playing Cards
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