A Sun Express flight taking holidaymakers from Ireland to Turkey was forced to land in Belgrade, Serbia, yesterday after a passenger decided to strip off, jump on the seats while waving his nob around and start shouting demands for sex at the crew.
He was apparently part of a group of passengers who managed to cause a 10 hour delay to the flight with their antics.
It’s not really a huge surprise to hear that he was getting up to some crazy shit when you find out that the group he was with managed to put away a staggering 250 pints between them. No, that zero on the end is not a mistake.
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Reports say that a woman who was with the group tried to calm things down after the police showed up by offering to have sex with them.
As peace offerings go it’s not a bad one, though it clearly didn’t work since she was also arrested.
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Amazingly both of them were later released and allowed to board a later flight.
Can you imagine a worse start to your holiday than that? You scrimp and save whatever you can after toiling away at a job you hate, so that you can finally get out from under the permagloom that passes for weather in the UK and Ireland and what do you get? A face-full of some drunken clown’s dick and a 10 hour delay while his mate offers free blowjobs to the local copper.
Suddenly Butlins doesn’t look so bad eh.