Fiona Harvey Is Demanding £1 Million From Piers Morgan Because Of How Viral Her Interview Went



Looks like Piers Morgan may have created a Baby Reindeer situation for himself, with Fiona Harvey now demanding £1 million in payment for her Uncensored interview which has done 11 million (!) views in 6 days on YouTube and millions more on clips across social media.

It turns out Fiona Harvey only got paid £250 for the interview, which is a drop in the ocean compared to the revenue and publicity garnered for Piers Morgan and his show. In hindsight, Fiona now reckons she’s entitled to a whole £1 million, and she’s coming to collect!

Fiona told The Daily Record:

“They offered me £250 and I asked if that was what they paid everyone and, if so, I wanted to see documentation to that effect.

That documentation has not been forthcoming. I have not signed a contract for the interview and I will be seeking far more than a piddling £250.

I’d settle for a million.”

Might’ve been a good idea to sort that all out before the interview, which you’d think Fiona would be aware of, seeing as she’s a lawyer and all.

As the current most talked about woman in Britain, Fiona Harvey could have easily negotiated thousands of pounds (at least) for her first ever televised interview. Not £1 million more, but definitely more than £250. She could have got £250 sending in her interview to You’ve Been Framed ffs!

She also threw a few personal digs at Piers:

“I read a snippet online that Piers felt very sorry for me but he feels sorry for no one.

His staff were being so nice and saying everything was OK but when I went in to meet him he could barely look at me.

It was all a big act.

He didn’t even say goodbye and only got the photograph taken with me because he needed it for the publicity.

I also think he’s ill. He was very pale, white as a sheet under those TV cameras and he looked very drawn.

He’s lost a lot of weight. Is he ill? You do wonder.”

What a charming lady.

Naturally, Piers has fired back with a Tweet addressing the headline of Fiona Harvey demanding £1 million:

“No Fiona… you want an agent.”

Can’t argue with that really. It’s celebrity 101! I just wonder what kind of sum James English will have to cough up for his incoming interview with Fiona Harvey. No doubt she’ll have lovely things to say about him after that airs too.



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