This Father Jumped A 7-Year-Old Girl’s Father After School To Teach Her A Lesson About Bullying



A father who couldn’t get his daughter’s 7-year-old bully to stop picking on her decided to take matters into his own hands by jumping the bully’s dad, to teach her a lesson about how it feels to see someone you love bullied (or, in this case, brutally pulverised by a group of men).

The father then filmed a TikTok video addressing the 7-year-old girl and explaining to her why he had to beat up her daddy after school:

So it sounds like this father tried the traditional routes of sending letters, speaking to the school, speaking to the bully’s parents, speaking to the bully herself, and none of it worked. He figured the next step was to beat the sh*t out of the bully’s dad in front of her to teach her that bullying is wrong. Seems to me that… it kinda worked? I mean, I doubt this 7-year-old is going anywhere near this man’s daughter again if she believes it will result in her own dad being bloodied and bruised in front of her again.

At the same time, it is very unfortunate that an innocent man had to be beaten up so badly in order for this man to protect his daughter. Although I suppose it’s much more preferable to a 7-year-old girl being bullied and coming home from school upset every day. Probably should have tried harder to stop his daughter being such a mean girl.

On the plus side, the beatdown wasn’t filmed and stuck online, which is a rarity these days.

Lesson learned for both dad and daughter, I think. Let’s just hope this doesn’t spark an after-school shootout between parents in the coming weeks.

For the four-year-old who had no friends show up to his birthday party after his mum bought a vegan cake, click HERE. Harsh.



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