Family GP Beat Himself Up To Frame Patient He Wanted Taken Off The Books



A GP who beat himself up in an attempt to frame a patient for assault because he wanted him off the surgery’s books has been suspended for a year.

Dr Gurkirit Kalkat, 58, invited the man in for an appointment at Thames View Medical Centre in Dagenham, Essex, in February 2020.

But instead of examining him, Dr Kalkat threw himself against the door and started punching himself in the chest, screaming: ‘Stop hitting me, ow! You’re attacking me!’ before pressing the panic button.

The baffled patient, who had done nothing but sit there and watch the scene play out from his chair, was taken home in handcuffs after police were called.

PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Dr Gurkirit Kalkat a senior family GP has been suspended after he tried to frame a drug addict for assault in a bid to get him removed from his practise patient list. Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see


So why would a GP do something so utterly bizarre? Well it turns out Dr. Kalkat wanted the patient, who had a drug problem, off the books at his surgery as it was due to be rebranded under a merger with another doctor’s practice, and I guess you can’t have any active patients when that is happening?

Fortunately, an inquiry brought all this information to light, and Dr. Kalkat was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and suspended from medical practice for 12 months.

It gets worse, though – The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service heard that Dr. Kalkat lied to the patient about having terminal blood cancer in a bid to encourage him to register with another GP, and even paid out more than £40,000 of his own money to fund rehabilitation treatment.

During an earlier consultation the patient covertly filmed the GP as he falsely claimed he had six months to live and offered him a further £15,000 to leave the practise.

In the end, the patient failed to register with another surgery and so booked another appointment with the GP, who by this point was beyond desperate to get rid of him. That’s when he decided to hilariously assault himself. As described by the patient (via Metro):

‘I went in to his office for my appointment and he gave me four weeks of prescriptions. Then he stood up and walked towards the door, threw himself against the door slightly and put his fist on his chest and said “stop hitting me”.

‘I was still sat in the chair and started to laugh a little bit because I honestly thought he was joking at first. But then he said to his receptionist “you just see him hit me didn’t you?” and she replied “yes, I did”.

‘He said to me “now you have used violence you have to leave my surgery”. I replied to him “what are you doing are you being serious or is this some sick joke?”

PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Pictured is the Thames View Medical Centre in Dagenham, Essex where the incident occurred. Dr Gurkirit Kalkat a senior family GP has been suspended after he tried to frame a drug addict for assault in a bid to get him removed from his practise patient list. Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see

‘I said to Dr Kalkat “I have done nothing wrong and now I have worked out what you’re doing this is how your trying to remove me from your books, because you have been lying about dying of blood cancer and trying to bribe me with money to change surgery as you and another Dr’s surgery are joining together”.

‘The receptionist said to Dr Kalkat “you need to press the emergency button” so he walked straight past me sitting down and pressed the button. I still hadn’t moved off the seat I was on.

‘Both police officers who arrived on the scene believed me and didn’t believe what Dr Kalkat said and I was released without charge. Dr Kalkat admitted to one of the officers that he has been lying to me about having cancer in an attempt to blackmail me to leave his surgery.

‘Dr Kalkat made it look like I hit him, but he was punching himself whilst shouting that I was attacking him. I confirm that I didn’t touch Dr Kalkat, I was sat in my chair the whole time.’

Too funny. Dr Kalkat declined to attend the MPTS hearing and instead filed written submissions via a lawyer claiming it was not ‘safe’ enough to appear in person due to Patient A’s ‘volatile’ behaviour, which makes the whole thing even more hilarious. As for the receptionist who claimed to have witnessed the whole thing, she was said to have been ‘unavailable or unable’ to make a formal statement. How convenient!

Giving the panel’s ruling, MPTS chairman Mr Stephen Killen said:

‘Patient A submitted to giving oral evidence on all events, with the prospect of cross-examination.

‘On the issue of whether he had assaulted Dr Kalkat, Patient A was immovable and consistently maintained that he had not.



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