With the fear of just what the reality of Brexit might mean for the country in terms of food and drink (and pretty much everything) going forward, it’s not really that surprising that the first examples of fake bootleg alcohol entering the country have emerged.
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And what’s more this isn’t even the good kind of fake alcohol – it’s the kind of alcohol that can cause blindness or death when consumed. The shipment has been found in Hull where a vodka named Radanoff has been seen for sale that apparently contains industrial strength alcohol that could seriously screw you up if you drink it.
If you’re still not convinced that this is some dodgy alcohol, the bottles that the police have found and seized also don’t feature real barcodes and don’t have a custom duty stamp either. You can’t really get more bootleg than that, can you?
Hull’s local authority said the following in a statement:
Warning: If you spot ‘Radanoff’ vodka for sale, do not buy or drink it. Radanoff is a fake brand seized recently in Hull.
It could contain industrial alcohol which can cause blindness or death. If you see Radanoff, contact Trading Standards on 01482 300 300.
Tests are still to be carried out on the bottles seized – until those are complete there’s no way of knowing what’s in the bottles.
However, we do know this product has no customs duty stamp and the barcode doesn’t link to a real product.
I mean yeah the stuff sounds rank, but to be fair you’ve gotta be really desperate to even consider buying a vodka with a name like Radanoff haven’t you? I suppose that’s why these guys targetted Hull, but even so I can’t actually believe people are willing to buy this stuff because it just looks so awful? Hopefully this post will go viral though so everyone will know not to buy it even if they’re tempted by the cheap price and exotic name. We can but hope.
For more fake alcohol, check out this symptom which means you should stop drinking alcohol immediately if you exhibit it. Seriously.