Eyam Plague Village – What Would You Do If The Plague Came To Town?



The villagers could no longer leave town to get food, so they would soak money in vinegar (which they believed killed the disease) and leave it in an impression on top of a large stone, known as the Coolstone (see below) or in a near by stream or well. Neighbouring villagers would drop off food  and medicine by the stone for collection. Sometimes they would take the money, sometimes they would leave it.

Eyam Plague Village - Coolstone

People in the surrounding towns and villages were eager to help the inhabitants of Eyam for two main reasons: firstly they were grateful that the people of Eyam had decided to cordon themselves off and probably pitied them. Secondly, they knew that if the village ran out of food they would surely break the village line in search of lunch. So locals knew that if they didn’t feed them, it could be their town next.

☛ More Disease: 10 Of The Weirdest Diseases On Earth



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