An Elderly Man Was Pushed Off A Bike By A Car Passenger In A Sick Prank



In this day and age people can make a hell of a lot of money filming ‘prank’ videos and uploading them onto the internet, but it seems like it’s pretty hard to draw the line over what exactly is a prank and what isn’t.

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The perfect case in point is this video that was recently uploaded to Instagram. In it, some guy is driving in a car and spots some elderly dude riding a bike by the side of the road nearby. The car slows down so that one of the passengers can push the old guy off his bike and they ride off cackling whilst he rolls around shouting on the side of the road.

Is this actually funny?

No, that isn’t funny at all and just kinda downright mean and despicable. Apparently the video was filmed in the UK but as of the time of writing there’s no information on what happened to the guy or the other people in the video, but if I know the internet police as well as I think I do, there’s no doubt that they’ll be onto this pretty pronto. If anyone can help, call your local police station or something.

For an internet prank that’s actually funny, check out the ultimate Nicolas Cage prank. Jokes.



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