Dude Blags His Way Into Spectre Premiere; Ends Up At The WORST Afterparty Ever



Earlier this week was the Royal World Premiere of the new James Bond film Spectre. As you can imagine it was a A-list event full of the top Hollywood dickheads and as you can imagine the guest list was extremely exclusive. So you wouldn’t imagine any average Joes like you and me to get in right? Well not for one guy who tried his luck last night.

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In a feat of excellence, executed in such a way even Bond would be proud, James went about crashing the premiere. Donned in black tie all he needed was a photo-shopped ticket he’d found online and as soon as the barcode was scanned he was in. It’s safe to say this guy has major skill, that and literally no morals. As soon as he got in he made no attempt to keep a low profile and mingled with all the celebrities he could find,

I met Sam Smith, Chris Evans and Naomie Harris. I also chatted to Joan Collins and Shirley Bassey.

Not my top list of celebs to meet but hey ho. Not only did he blag a place a one of the biggest events of the year but also went to the after party. Fair play to the guy if you got this opportunity you’d take it. Although that afterparty does look completely dog shit.

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I did at one point try to sign an autograph for the crowd but they didn’t take me up on it — they weren’t impressed at all.

Yeah mate they probably were like who’s this shit blocking me from Daniel Craig. Maybe next time hey? At least he didn’t have to do anything stupid to get a ticket, like this guy that got a One Direction tattoo only to find he wasn’t even eligible to enter.




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