Dubai Princess Divorces Husband Via Savage Instagram Post As She Accuses Him Of Cheating



Dubai princess Sheikha Mahra Bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum has sent shockwaves through the UAE after ending her marriage via a savage Instagram post directed at her (now ex) husband, Sheikh Mana bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Mana Al Maktoum.

Wow, the triple “I divorce you”. There’s no coming back from that, surely. Well, there literally isn’t, because I just looked it up and apparently the triple “I divorce you” is a real thing in Muslim culture, where you can make a divorce instantly official by declaring it three times:

CNN – The princess appeared to be invoking the controversial practice of triple divorce that is used in some Muslim countries where a man instantly divorces his wife by declaring it three times. The method is banned in some countries and isn’t customarily invoked by women against their husbands.

Very interesting. Now I guess all that’s left for Sheikha Mahra Bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikh Mana bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Mana Al Maktoum to do is to figure out the financial implications of this divorce, which is sure to run into the millions/billions of dollars/dihrams. Apparently the Princess’s net worth is an estimated $200 – $300 million, which is more than enough cash to set you and your future generations up for life, but pales in comparison to the $40 BILLION net worth of her ex-husband.

I mean, there’s quite a disparity there; maybe enough to make the Princess second-guess her Instagram divorce. Sure, she’s filthy rich on her own, but $300 million Vs $40 billion is basically the difference between pooping on a toilet made out of gold and pooping on a toilet made out of diamonds. It’ll be hard for the princess to adjust to the former after spending all this time doing the latter. Is it really worth throwing all that away just because your husband is sh@gging foreign Instagram models all over Dubai?

CDN media

My feeling is that they’ll patch things up at some point in the future, and the Princess will let us know the marriage is back on via another Instagram post. Or maybe she’ll go “missing” in a few days and we’ll never hear from her ever again. Neither would surprise me, tbh.

For the TikTok influencer jailed for ‘screaming in public’ in Dubai, click HERE.



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