Donald Trump Says That The Queen Was Late And Kept Him Waiting



Most of the nation collectively protested as a whole during Donald Trump’s recent visit to the UK and he didn’t really do himself any favours during the trip as he was late to meet the Queen and then walked in front of her and carved her up loads during their stroll together. Great work dude.

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Anyway, in classic Donald Trump fashion, he’s categorically denied that he showed up late to meet her, instead deciding to accuse the Queen of being late to meet him. Here’s exactly what he said:

Trump Queen 2

I have great respect for the UK, United Kingdom, great respect. People call it Britain, they call it Great Britain, they call it, they used to call it England, different parts.

But the UK, great respect, and I was asked to have tea with the Queen, who is incredible by the way. Incredible.

I had landed and I’m on the ground and I’m waiting with the King’s with the Queen’s guards, wonderful people. I’m waiting.

So I was about 15 minutes early and I’m waiting with my wife and that’s fine. Hey, it’s the Queen, right? We can wait.

But I’m a little early. So I then go up and meet the Queen and she is fantastic. We then go up and have tea. And I didn’t know this, it was supposed to last for 15 minutes, but it lasted for like an hour because we got along. We got along.

Wow. I really wish I could get to the level confident delusion that Donald Trump exists in because it must be wonderful to never ever be wrong and to be able to just make stuff up whenever you want and totally believe it, no matter how many times everyone else in the world tells you that you’re wrong. It really is something else.

For more Donald Trump, check out all of this. So much content on the buffoon.



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