

Not only has Apple unleashed the iPhone 4S and more importantly Siri in the past week, but the F8 Conference has been going on to which aims to explain the revolutionary new features that Facebook will be employing in the coming months that to begin with everybody will completely hate and think are really weird but then will slowly accept and forget about how it even looked before.

The most important of these is the Timeline, which Mark Zuckerberg claims will change the way people look at Facebook forever: ‘If the original profile was the first five minutes of a conversation, the stream was the first 15, then the timeline is the rest. Timeline is the story of your life, in appas and news stories.’ I guess that’s pretty great, if you want everyone in your Facebook friends list to know everything about you ever. Does anybody want that? Apparenlty 20 of my friends on Facebook do as they’ve already signed up. I only really know a couple of them that well though, so I guess it will be cool to view their entire life story!? Or gross? Can’t decide.

I couldn’t be bothered to watch Mark Zuckerberg’s presentation on the Timeline, or any of the other crappy videos that have circulated the internet explaining it as I figured I would have to start using it sooner or later as that’s what always happens with Facebook improvements. You try and stay with the old stuff but eventually you just get phased out. However, when I heard that Don Draper had performed a presentation explaining it, I had to check it out.

Here at Sick Chirpse we love Don Draper (remember Mad Men yourself? Or Sterling’s Gold?) and Mark Zuckerberg but if we’re gonna be honest, I think Don Draper takes the cake when it comes to delivering smoulderingly cool and edgy presentations. One comment on YouTube states that it’s 10,000 times better than the presentation that Mark Zuckerberg produced, so you know probably not worth checking that one out. Don Draper’s presentation is so good it reduces that guy with the glasses to tears for god’s sake! If nothing else, at least it’s something to keep you occupied until season 5 of Mad Men hopefully premieres some time in 2012 (don’t hold your breath):

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