Doctor Says If You Haven’t Had Covid Yet, Then You Don’t Have Any Friends



I think at this point, pretty much everyone I know has tested positive for Covid at least once over the past couple of year. Many of those came over the Christmas period when the Omicron variant was in full swing or in the last couple of weeks when it seems to have come round again. It just seems like it’s going to be a part of life now and it’s not too big a deal now after most of the population has been vaccinated and we’re moving towards herd immunity.

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There are some people out there that are still buzzing that they’ve managed to avoid it over the past two years and keep bragging about it – and to be fair, they should probably celebrate that fact – but a Korean doctor has decided to rain on their parade by saying that they’re loners without any friends. Ma Sang-hyuk, vice president of the Korean Vaccine Society, posted the following on his Facebook page:

The adults who have not yet been infected with COVID-19 are those who have interpersonal problems.

His comments quickly went viral and he was forced to delete the post, before appearing in an interview to clarify exactly what he meant:

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My words are metaphorical and have been misunderstood.

It emphasised how difficult it is for anyone to avoid the virus in a situation where there is a high rate of confirmed cases in the area.

I think that’s probably fair enough but if you’re saying people have ‘interpersonal problems’ – essentially no friends – then you can’t really be surprised that your comments are misconstrued and go viral for how silly and reductive they sound. A scientist/doctor should really know better as to how their words can be interpreted, but most of us can probably see the funny side as it seems like we’re coming out the other side of the pandemic now. Kinda.

If you’re wondering as to the context of Ma Sang-hyuk’s comments, South Korea was hit with 400,741  new cases on March 16th after Omicron finally made it over there. Fortunately 87% of the population are fully vaccinated so it’s not that big a deal over there.

At least that’s what we’re all hoping hey? Maybe those of us without any friends will have a better chance of surviving if it becomes a serious problem again. Start the cull now.

For more of the same, check out when people in India bathed in cow shit to avoid getting coronavirus. That was a weird one.



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