Pros And Cons Of Monarchy: Do We Need A Royal Family?




Monarchy and the map?


Under a monarchy we are one United Kingdom (technically Queendom for some time really), one Great Britain, one nation of four. Strong, proud. United Republic of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island, or URESWNI for short, just isn’t as catchy as UK really is it? Then, would that even happen, without monarchy could all four nations take themselves for their own? No longer, a united kingdom, just neighbouring nations and nothing more. It’d be really awkward if we all split up and still hung out wouldn’t it? All four of us? That’s not to mention all the remaining colonies.


Though, mentioning all those remaining colonies, nations still under rule of Queen and our country, isn’t it about time we let them go for real? Don’t you think they want to be free to do as they please, they’ve grown up, they’ve gone to college, and they’ve got themselves pretty much sorted for the most part, they don’t need to suckle at the motherland’s tit anymore. Isn’t it a sign too of a far outdated time gone by? When Britain invaded everything we could rape, pillage, kill, maim and claim as our own, ransacking cultures and the like. Ah, the good ol’ days. It’s up for considerable debate whether those times are something we should still honour and be proud of. Hmm. Also, this united kingdom we were talking about, do these four nations want to really be under one rule anymore? Was it ever a fair rule, or just all for England?



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