Pros And Cons Of Monarchy: Do We Need A Royal Family?




So, what does a monarch and a royal family mean on the political front?


The political pros of old Queenie are deemed to be found in her being a wholly neutral and apolitical head of state; thus meaning she will have the nation’s best interests at heart rather than any party political biases or other considerations — a head of state, for the state. The inheritance of the position from monarch to heir, and so on, is also seen to be a more stable arrangement for deciding a new head of state with it already being decided by a set pattern from one to the next — less messy than an election. Another fact in favour of our monarchy, especially over — some — other monarchies, it is a constitutional monarchy and not a governing monarchy, meaning that any monarch rules in accordance with a constitution and not unchecked. This kind of time honoured tradition, and lengthy position of power commands considerable respect from other nations and their leaders.


Any monarch is a non-elected head of state, apparently apolitical and for the state or not, the royal family were not chosen by the people of that state and thus, technically, each is a subject and not a citizen. That’s a pretty big one right there, a new person, generation after generation is born into the position of head of state and the people who remain their subjects have no say in it. There is no way to tell what kind of head of state the next one will be; how they will conduct themselves, how they will lead, how neutral they will be, and whether or not they tear of their human shell and lay lizard siege to the nation in a tyrannical and murderous rule. In regards to the neutrality though, there is considerable scepticism towards how neutral the royals are, what with weekly one to ones between Queen and Prime Minister, and a lot of letters from Prince Charles to individual MPs sharing very personal views on politics and proceedings that sort of belie a neutrality.



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