Declan Rice Has Never Had A ‘Proper Beer’, Vows To Drink His First One If England Win The Euros



I don’t know how someone can live in England, play football, and not have had a proper beer before, but apparently this is the case with Declan Rice, who has vowed to drink his first one if England win the Euros this Sunday.

Rice told The Mail:

“I remember saying that [before Euro 2020 final]. Since then, I’ve had a beer, but I had it with a bit of lemonade! If we win, I’ll have a proper beer. I’ll probably have to hold my nose, as I hate the smell!”

So for whatever reason, Declan Rice has only ever drank shandies, but will hopefully be knocking back his first proper pint on Sunday after England beat Spain. He’s saying that he’ll hold his nose as he drinks his first proper pint, which sounds so preposterous that I hope his teammates film it and stick it online so we can all watch Declan Rice drink his first pint like a toddler.

I mean, I’ve heard of holding your nose to jump into the swimming pool when you’re 6 years old, but a grown man holding his nose to drink a pint? If this was back in Paul Gascgoine’s day, you have to think Declan Rice would be kicked off the team, surely?

Either way, let’s hope Rice and the boys get the job done on Sunday, and that maybe his girlfriend can join him for that pint too. It’s coming home!



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