Dave Grohl Admits Cheating On Wife After Welcoming Secret Child



In what might be the weirdest way to admit cheating on your wife ever, Dave Grohl has issued a statement about having a child out of wedlock and announced it on Instagram like a football team firing its manager:

There goes my hero….

Now why would Dave Grohl even put something so personal and damaging to his reputation on the internet for everyone to read? My guess is that he was contacted by the tabloids and given a heads up that they were about to drop the news, because there’s just no other reason why a celebrity of his stature would announce this so publicly. It’s actually quite surprising a rock star like Dave Grohl hasn’t fathered any children out of wedlock already, considering how long he’s been in the game? Or maybe he has, but this is the only one TMZ (or whoever) got wind of for whatever reason.

Either way, not great for Dave Grohl’s super wholesome public persona, which he’s done a good job of upkeeping for the last couple decades. At the end of the day though – he’s a rock star! Sleeping around and having kids is basically part of the deal. Liam Gallagher had a daughter out of wedlock and didn’t meet her until she was 20 years old! At least Dave Grohl has promised to be involved in his newborn daughter’s life from the beginning, and even mentioned it online so that the internet can hold him accountable! Not that it’s any of their business really, but still.

Anyway, congrats to Dave Grohl on the arrival of his new daughter, but it’s gotta suck for his wife and kids. Really sh1tty thing to do to them and have it plastered all over the internet to boot. Like he says in his statement, hopefully they’re able to figure it out between them and move forward. Good luck, Dave!

To watch Taylor Hawkins’ son absolutely kill it on drums with Dave Grohl in tribute to his father, click HERE. What a moment.



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