Explosives Expert
A lot of these Darwin Awards involve explosives of some kind, they’re dangerous after all and in the hands of a novice can be deadly. This tale is different because the victim wasn’t a newby to explosives, he was an expert. In 2004, an Italian named Peraldo, 67, found some old sticks of dynamite in an abandoned shed near his land. He had worked with explosives at construction sites prior to his retirement and was an explosives expert in the army. So he had the right pedigree to deal with this effectively and safely.
Peraldo decided to bury the old and unstable explosives under the ground. He dug a hole, gently placed them in and delicately covered them with earth. So far so good. The pile of earth was a little too high though, so he patted it down with his hand: BOOM.
The sound traveled far and wide and the police raced to investigate. On arrival they found the man alive but in tatters. He stayed alive just long enough to explain what had happened before dying of massive internal injuries.
☛ Now: VIDEO: All 2000+ Nuclear Explosions Ever