There’s just something about Danny DeVito which means that you know he’s going to be a cool guy if ever you met him and he reaffirmed this perception about him recently with his response to the young girl who took a cardboard cutout of him to her prom.
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17 year old Allison Closs couldn’t get a date for her prom so decided to order a cardboard cutout of Danny from Amazon and take him instead. When asked why she took this course of action, she said that she had always loved him in whatever roles that he had played and that she was there for him when she needed him; she treated him the way a woman should be treated.
Obviously, the YouTube video of the event went completely viral and ended up getting viewed around 400,000 times, until it finally came to the attention of Danny himself. And how better for him to respond then in the following Instagram post, taken by his It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s co star Rob McElhenney (I had to screenshot it because it’s a double Instagram and that only shows the first one when you embed it) :
Just too good. I suppose you might think it’s kinda creepy when you overanalyse it, but you don’t need to and it actually makes for a really funny joke that just makes everyone like Danny DeVito even more, as the 40,000 likes suggest. Nice work.
For more Danny DeVito, check him out in a cool One Direction video. For real.