When it comes to body modification, you might think of that terrifying mugshot of Jocelyn Wildenstein aka ‘the cat woman’ or the guy that paid to transform himself into a Nazi supervillain as jointly holding the champion status of extremity. Yet, having your face augmented to look like a fucked-up version of your pet cat doesn’t actually change your bodily functions. Enter this biohacker, already famed for having headphones implanted into his ears, who is now embarking on a journey to turn his penis into a vibrator.
Rich Lee, a salesman from Utah and father of two, has built a device which he calls the Lovetron9000 which he hopes can be implanted under a man’s pubic bone, making his penis vibrate. In his efforts to become a cyborg, he told The Daily Mail that the ultimate goal is to use technology to create an entirely new set of senses.
He added that after his divorce, he thought he’d be celibate forever so stopped working on the project:
But then I met a woman with a background in sex [psychology] who urged me to finish it.
She convinced me that it would be empowering in many relationships.
To be fair, at least what he’s doing is somewhat useful.
Currently, Rich Lee has six implants; headphones inserted into both of his tragus’, two magnets in two different fingertips for feeling magnetic fields, an NFC (Near Field Communication) chip in his hand for controlling devices and a bio-therm chip in his forearm for monitoring temperature. Obviously, it’s a nuisance to have to keep checking your portable thermometer.
Some of the bizarre procedures were performed by Lee himself, but he often also seeks out the help of body piercers, amateur ‘street docs’ or dodgy medical professionals with revoked or suspended licenses or even actual medical professionals who’ll do shady ops behind closed doors. Sick.
Almost unsuprisingly, he got divorced from his wife in 2015 and has since entered a custody battle with her, so he set up a GoFundMe campaign page in November to raise money for a lawyer. Apparently, the final straw for her was when he installed a thin tube of non-Newtonian armour into his shins to see how well it would protect his bones from an impact. It’s hard to imagine that essentially sewing shin-pads into the insides of your legs and throwing yourself into things to prove that you’re Mr Invincible would send the best signs to the mother of your children.
Someone ought to tell this guy the news that you can now buy vibrators from Poundland to save him both the expense and pain of having his cock cut open.