Cristiano Ronaldo has long been viewed as an excellent footballer who can come across as a bit of a pampered primadonna at times, but it turns out that his true personality might be a bit more sinister than that.
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Ronaldo currently has a rape case hanging over his head from nine years ago, where he allegedly anally pentrated Kathryn Mayorga in a Las Vegas hotel room. In addition to this, one of his ex girlfriends – British glamour model Jasmine Lennard has now opened up about her relationship with him on Twitter, branding him a ‘psycho control freak’ with a ‘disgusting temper’.
Lennard was inspired to speak out after watching the Surviving R. Kelly documentary that aired last week about the singer’s abusive relationship with women and hoped that by coming clean about her experiences she can prevent other women from suffering at his hands. Her Twitter has now been deleted as she’s claiming that Ronaldo threatened to send revenge porn of her to her parents if she spoke out, but there are some old screenshots of what she said out there:
Well, I’m not really sure what to say about that. Ronaldo does tend to be almost universally popular with everyone due to his achievements with football but you’ve gotta believe Jasmine because why would she make it up? Can kinda believe him being so up himself that he might act like this as well – he tends to get very upset when things don’t go his way doesn’t he?
If she also has the evidence that she says she has then it looks like Ronaldo could be exposed for the creep that he is in the future, especially if both Kathryn and Jasmine’s stories about him encourage other women to speak up about his behaviour. We could see a Kevin Spacey/Harvey Weinstein equivalent of accusations fly out in the coming weeks. Three other women already apparently accused him of rape too, but everything seems to be fairly quiet on that front.
Lennard is apparently getting ready to file a bombshell harassment claim against him, so we’ll see how this story develops in the coming days. If you missed the news about Mayorga’s rape claims then click here. Graphic.