The Contestant Who Fled Naked Attraction Is Still A Virgin But No Longer Scared Of Vaginas



We had a brief moment of reprise from the shitshow of 2020 last week when we all had a bit of a giggle at the cute contestant on naked attraction who revealed he was a virgin and had to flee the show because he was so freaked out over all the vaginas on display and we can now reveal that there’s sort of a happy ending to that story as well.

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No, 23 year old Brian hasn’t lost his virginity since he appeared on the show, but he has at least managed to conquer his fear of vaginas, revealing the following to Fabulous:

I feel like I grew up a bit in that moment, seeing vaginas for the first time.

There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and I’m proud of it.

That being said, virginity was never a choice; it just hasn’t happened yet.

But I went on the show to explore possibilities. I went on it to release any tension and inhibition within myself and to step out of my comfort zone.

I wanted to explore a different side to dating because quite frankly I’ve had zero luck.

I’m not really scared of vaginas anymore.

It’s overwhelming, I mean, you know in a good way, perhaps I needed this.

But I just need to let it sink in just a bit.

Good for him I suppose. Hopefully his new found notoriety will make him a bit of a catch amongst the female of the species once the second lockdown ends and he can get out there on the dating scene again. Whenever that might be.

For more of the same, check out the footage from his cringeworthy appearance. Poor guy.



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