Cocky MMA Fan Gets Tossed 5 Rows Down In Wild Brawl At UFC 302



UFC 302 at the weekend may have been an absolute snooze-fest (well, apart from the main event), but there was at least some action in the crowd when two MMA fans got into each other’s faces and ended up brawling down several rows of seats.

The clip starts off really weirdly with one white boy using the term “white boy” as an insult to another white boy – and it all kicks off from there:

While it’s never nice to see this sort of thing go down in the audience, I’m just glad that the antagoniser was the one who ended up catching an L on camera. I mean, you simply cannot run your mouth and beat your chest like that and then end up being emasculated by a guy who not only has a positional disadvantage, but also initially seemed to be trying to diffuse the situation. Definitely did not end the way that loudmouth thought it would, that’s for sure.

Also serves as a useful reminder to sit in the nosebleeds at your own risk – especially when paying several hundred dollars for the crappiest view in the building. You might get knocked out and flung down 5 rows on top of it! Although I guess you’ll have a better view of the action when you eventually wake up, so it’s not all bad news.

To watch an MMA fighter kick a ring girl in the bum and then immediately wish he hadn’t, click HERE.



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