Chuck Palahniuk Books As Insane Cult Rock Concert Posters



Chuck Palahinuk is a firm favourite here at Sick Chirpse – especially with the current anticipation surrounding the Fight Club sequel – so what better time to feature the work of Paulo Correa who is an art director and illustrator based in the Philippines.

Paulo has taken it upon himself to translate a few of Chuck’s most famous books – Fight Club, Rant, Choke etc – into what he likes to describe as ‘lowbrow gig posters’ and he couldn’t really have done a better job. To be honest, it’s the perfect imagery for a guy like Chuck’s books, and we’re surprised it hasn’t been done before. Unsurprisingly, they’ve been endorsed by the man himself.

Chuck Palahniuk Gig Posters 1

Chuck Palahniuk Gig Posters 2

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Chuck Palahniuk Gig Posters 4

Chuck Palahniuk Gig Posters 5

Chuck Palahniuk Gig Posters 6

Chuck Palhniuk Gig Postrs 7



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