The Director Of ‘Fight Club’ Examines Serial Killers In His Chilling New Series



I’m getting tired of saying that Netflix has done it again, but when they keep smashing it out of the ballpark how can I not?

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The latest must see show is almost certainly going to be ‘Mindhunter’, which is coming from the partnership of David Fincher (director of ‘Fight Club’, ‘Zodiac’, ‘Se7en’ etc.) and Charlize Theron. It’s based on the work of FBI Criminal Profiler John E. Douglas, who was one of the first people who started talking to serial killers once they had been incarcerated, and was able to develop a system that helps detectives catch criminals from this and examining crime scenes.

The series itself is set in 1979 with Jonathon Groff and Holt McCallany playing two FBI agents, John E. Douglas and Robert Ressler and it follows them enlisting the help of imprisoned serial killers in order to catch those that were still out there. Check out the trailer for it below:

Looks pretty intense/chilling right, although I was kinda hoping for some more action with real serial killers on the loose rather than the drama of the chain of command and bureaucracy. Still looks like it’s going to be must see television when it premiers on October 13th. Yes, that is a Friday.

For more new Netflix shows, check out the trailer for ‘Ozark’ if you haven’t watched it yet. Apparently it’s the next ‘Breaking Bad’.



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