Chet Hanks Explaining The Drake Vs Kendrick Lamar Feud To Tom Hanks Is The Best Father/Son Moment Of The Year



Ever since Chet Hanks went viral for his Jamaican accent a few years ago, we all wondered what the relationship between Chet and his father Tom Hanks was like. They just seem like such polar opposites that it’s hard to even imagine them having a conversation about something.

Well, we don’t have to imagine it any more because now we get to read one, thanks to this text exchange where Tom reaches out to Chet to ask for a summary of the Drake/Kendrick Lamar rap beef that has taken over the internet in recent weeks. Credit to Chet Hanks – he explains it pretty well:

What an exchange. Gotta love how Tom refers to Chet as ‘Big Main’, which I really hope is how he kicks off every conversation with him. It’s just so funny to think that Tom Hanks got wind of this ultra viral Drake/Kendrick Lamar feud and thought “hey, Chet likes rap, he probably knows all about this! Let me text him.”

The best part about it though has to be Chet Hanks likening Kendrick Lamar calling Drake a nonce to the time Tom walked into his old high school and the whole place went bananas.

That was the sonic equivalent of when you took me to your high school in Oakland and we walked in on the basketball game and everybody started going nuts.”

Gotta put it in terms the old man will understand! Well played, Chet. Thanks for explaining it all to the rest of us too. Here’s the Kendrick diss track in question:

For footage of Chet Hanks accusing his ex-girlfriend of attacking him with a knife in disturbing footage, click HERE.



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