A Cheerleader Allegedly Murdered Her Newborn Baby And Buried Her In The Garden Days After Her School Prom



We’ve had a few fun stories on Sick Chirpse today but now it’s time for another grim one unfortunately, involving a cheerleader murdering her newborn baby just days after the school prom.

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We’re over in Warren County, Ohio for this where 20 year old Brooke Skylar Richardson is being accused of smashing her baby’s skull in and then setting fire to the corpse to try to get rid of it, before eventually settling on burying it in the garden. Brooke herself insists that the baby was stillborn in her bathroom in July 2017, although that doesn’t really explain why she would have burned it and buried it in the garden, does it?

County Prosecutor David Fornshell is claiming that Brooke – known to everyone as Skylar – killed the baby because both her and her family were worried about how a baby born out of wedlock would be perceived by the local community:

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Skylar and her family, particularly her mother, were pretty obsessed with external appearances and how things appeared to the outside world.

You have a situation where, you know, she’s a cute high school, recent high school graduate; she was a cheerleader described (as) a good girl by her attorney as you heard after the arraignment.

And I think that kind of perception is one that Skylar wanted to perpetuate and her mother wanted to perpetuate.

I mean that is a narrative that could be happening here, but Skylar herself has accused prosecutors of creating a false narrative to try and sensationalise the case, insisting that the baby was stillborn and declared dead by an expert witness. They claim they buried it in the garden to always remember it and that there were no signs of trauma or burning on the body when it was discovered – they reckon that the whole situation has been distorted into something grotesque and hideous after Skylar informed her doctor of the stillbirth.

I don’t really know what to make of this one, but it seems as though it will definitely make an interesting subject for a Netflix/BBC 3 documentary in the coming months/years. Whatever the truth behind it all is, it sounds like it’s going to be suitably horrific and depraved too, especially against what I’m assuming is a deeply religious backdrop. Stay tuned I guess and RIP to the kid, whatever happens.

For more of the same, check out this story about a cheerleader requesting a Nirvana video endorsement in 2013. Dumb.



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