Bus Driver Beats Up Man In His Car After He Spat At Him In Traffic



Bus drivers have a rough time as it is with screaming babies, drunk passengers, whiny OAPs, and people being d*cks to them on a constant basis, so there’s always going to be a line at which they’ll snap if you dare to cross it.

For this East London bus driver, that line was being spat at by a motorist who pulled up alongside him in the middle of the road. Here’s how that turned out for him:

OK, I know that was basically 20 seconds of staring at the back of a car, but I guess we can use our imaginations for this one. The way the car was shaking as the bus driver was beating him up was some absolute Loony Tunes material. How did the bus driver even get out of his bus and into the car so quick?! Must have been a hurdler in a past life or something.

What I really enjoyed though was the way that coward sprinted back to his car after spitting at the bus driver. He couldn’t have ran any faster, and yet he still wasn’t fast enough to escape the bus driver’s wrath. Here’s hoping the bus driver doesn’t lose his job over it, because anyone with a number plate that reads “C***” (well, if you squint a bit) probably has it coming.

For the racist bus driver who claims he’s not racist because he ‘has a black dog’, click HERE. No arguing with that logic.



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