I’m sure everyone reading this has heard Bryan Adams’ classic rock anthem ‘Summer Of 69’, but I’m also fairly certain that most of us would have thought that he was singing about the year 1969 rather than anything else.
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Turns out that we were completely wrong and Adams admitted back in a 2008 interview with CBS journalists Maggie Rodriguez. She asked if the song was autobiographical and Adams quickly shut it down, saying the following:
Well the song, actually… people think it’s about the year, but actually it’s more about a… it’s more about making love in the summertime.
It’s using 69 as a sexual reference.
Awkward. I don’t really know if I buy that though because it seems a bit juvenile for a grown man to be writing lyrics like those and it makes it sound way cooler if it was about the year.
One guy on Reddit is arguing that it isn’t actually true though and saying that Adams has changed the narrative after people started calling him out about the song because he would have actually only been ten years old in the ‘Summer of 69’ as he was born in 1959. I think this probably sounds more likely although it’s kinda stupid for people to think that just because someone’s written a song that everything they’re singing about actually happened to them. Cancel culture I guess.
For more of the same, check out when some Syrian rebels bombed a building and turned it into the set of a Bryan Adams video. Really funny.