A Michigan woman is facing six years in prison after she sat down on her 10-year-old foster child to stop him misbehaving – and ended up crushing the lad to death under her 340lbs (154kg) of flab.
Morbidly obese Jennifer Wilson told police young Dakota Stevens had fled from her home that morning, and that he was misbehaving after she retrieved him from a neighbour’s house.
Wilson says the 91lbs boy threw himself onto the front lawn outside her home, at which point she thought it would be a good idea to sit on him as she called his case worker on the phone. The affidavit reveals how the boy was screaming in pain under her weight, and eventually just stopped breathing:
“The affidavit disclosed that authorities discovered a 20-second clip from Ring video cameras showing Wilson lying on the boy’s neck and head area while he screamed. Another video from the same camera showed Dakota still screaming as Wilson remained on top of him, his cries gradually fading”.
Jeez, that sounds absolutely awful. Why would you sit on the lad’s head and neck? I mean, I get it’s hard to aim such an enormously fat f***ing body at such a small target, so she probably just landed wherever she landed and it happened to be his head and neck. But why even sit on him at all? He probably would have suffocated no matter where she landed because when you’re built like that you’re essentially an orphan crushing machine to matter where you park your massive backside.
The affidavit does describe Wilson as being “visibly distraught” when police arrived at the scene, and that once she realised what had happened, was frantically yelling at her other kids to call 911. So yes, I’m sure she didn’t intend to kill the boy, but it’s still essentially a manslaughter charge so it’s crazy that she’s only looking at a 6-year sentence, which would mean she’s out in 3 with good behaviour.
In any case, just such a terrible way for anyone to go, let alone a 10-year-old child. The boy already had it rough being an orphan, without also having to be crushed to death by a human marshmallow who was responsible for his well-being. RIP Dakota Stephens.
For the thief who was crushed to death under a BMW while trying to steal a catalytic converter, click HERE.