So I’ve been seeing this video and a couple of others like this on Facebook over the festive period accompanied by comments such as ‘wow this is the coolest thing ever’ and ‘wow, totally gravity defying’. Is it really that cool? I reckon so. Check it out, even the guy filming can’t believe how cool it is:
The company is Bottoms Up Beer and the device is known as the Bottoms Up Beer Dispenser. Apparently, one person can fill up to 44 pints a minute using this device. Amazingly, with more than one person operating it, that number can reach an astonishing 56 pints a minute. Check out this video where it’s put to the test:
Brings a whole new meaning to getting the beers in. Imagine if they installed one at your local Wetherspoons – it would be a lot less crowded at the bar and take a lot less time to get served when you’re out with the lads on a Friday night. The pint wouldn’t be half full of foam either.
But how does it work? Magnets, duh. There’s a magnet on the bottom of the cup that retracts when you put it on the machine, allowing the cup to be filled up, and then when it’s full (without any foam) the magnet in the cup seals the hole. Neat. Unfortunately this means that the cups are plastic and disposable, but will you notice this when you’ve sunk 44 in a minute? It also means advertisers can use the magnet to drum up business. Everyone’s a winner. Like the UNLV.
But how do magnets work? Ask the Insane Clown Posse.