Boris Johnson Gets Stuck On Zip Wire



Fresh from the hilarious Cassette Boy remix of  his Olympic message, Boris Johnson has become the subject of more hilarity due to the Olympics as he became stuck halfway down a zip wire at an event in Victoria Park about an hour ago. Boris Johnson was the first person to try the zip wire out and in true comedy fashion was left dangling in the middle of it. He had to be pulled down the wire the rest of the way by a team of helpers on the ground and was heard shouting ‘Get me a rope, get me a ladder dammit!’  This is pretty interesting because I mean, does anyone really think that if somebody gave Boris Johnson a rope or a ladder than he would be able to negotiate himself down from a zip line, as he looks like one of the least co-ordinated people in the history of movement. Hopefully there were at least some Olympic babes waiting for him at the end of the zip wire.

In fairness though you gotta hand it to the old man Boris Johnson for going down a zip line. I don’t think I would really want to do it myself, and it must be kind of scary to get stuck there. Kinda. It’s also fairly shocking that this is pretty much the only thing to have gone wrong at the Olympics so far because I think most people were expecting it to be a colossal clusterfuck whereas now most people are really enjoying it. Unfortunately there aren’t yet any videos of Boris Johnson being stuck on the zip line, so here are a few pictures instead. I’ll try and update the post if any videos do become available because you know even though a picture tells 1000 words, I’m sure a video of Boris Johnson being stuck on a zip line shouting ‘Get me a rope, get me ladder’ would tell around a million. Or if not that many at least make up for it in belly laughs. Enjoy the pictures below:

Boris Johnson Zip Line 2

Boris Johnson Zip Line 3

Boris Johnson Zip Line 4



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