If you watched this skate video when you were a teenager, props to you. This video of Rodney Mullen dropped during the years when the movie KIDS was being passed around on VHS, magic mushrooms were still available to buy at festivals, and Skrillex or Bieber were both nowhere to be seen. Those were the good days.
If you missed this video when you were growing up, now’s your chance to learn why Rodney Mullen is a legend. This is the dude who invented the kickflip and who dared try a boardslide with his board upside now, creating the ‘darkslide’ in the process.
☛ Read Next: Let’s Take It Old School: Jason Lee — Video Days (1991)
Rodney Mullen always has, and always will be, the don. Here’s why:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQq_9o0Jvi8′]