Do You Need A Black Man In Your Gang?



Black Man

I don’t know how this video slipped under the radar for so long because it’s completely LOL and the perfect way to start your Friday. Hopefully you’ll get this catchy number stuck in your head all day and you’ll find yourself singing it while in the office and you’ll be overheard by a few people who will instantly think you’re a total racist jerk. If that happens, just point them towards Sick Chirpse and explain the back story to the song. No doubt everyone in your office will be singing this track come 3PM.

Now I’m not sure who The Rubberbandits are, all I know is that they’re Irish and that they wear plastic bags on their heads and that’s kinda their signature look because they seem to do it in every one of their YouTube videos. No-ones really successfully done the whole ‘bag-head’ look before (apart from Amy Winehouse) and got away with is, but it kinda suits these guys for some reason and makes them look like a really cheap and Irish version of the Insane Clown Posse. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it so I’m all for these guys carrying this look and I hope it serves them well in the future.

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These guys are obviously complete jokers and are trying (or tried – this video was made in 2011 and I’m pretty sure they haven’t hit the big time since then) to make a name for themselves by being massive internet comedians and releasing loads of parody rap videos that they hope will one day let them retire early through iTunes sales. Kinda doubt that’s gonna happen guys, but you’ve entertained us for 5 minutes so fair play for that.

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This video, entitled ‘Black Man’ is all about needing that one extra person in your gang who will complete your crew. That person being a black man, obviously. Apparently every gang needs a black man, and this is the story of two dudes trying to find their black man to complete their multi-cultured gang. Check it:

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