HITLER’S DEATH AND BIN LADEN’S DEATH WERE ANNOUNCED ON THE SAME DAY – This isn’t really a conspiracy theory but some internet nerds are going crazy over it claiming it can’t be a coincidence. Why? Why can’t it be a coincidence you fvcking nerds? I guess it’s just another thing for them to lose their shit over.
THE RESIDENTS OF ABBOTTABAD DON’T BELIEVE BIN LADEN WAS EVER THERE – Most of the residents of the town where bin Laden was found don’t believe he was ever there, pointing at the fact that the Pakistani military academy was less than four miles away from his hideout and he was top of Pakistan’s most wanted list as evidence of this. This is a valid argument I guess, but if these guys ever watched Prison Break (it probably made it into syndication over there) they would know that sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight. Also if he never came out of the enclosure and had no internet or phone line, once he’s in there he’s pretty much set. The claims of residents that it’s a conspiracy against the town are stupid though and don’t even make any sense – why would the US government want to do anything to Abbottabad, a relatively small, peaceful village in Pakistan? Oh yeah, because their military academy is nearby. But wait how does saying Osama bin Laden was found there even affect the town really, except meaning people have actually heard of it now?